Cresting ESR Santiago PEREZ, working at the CREIDD research lab at the Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT), was invited to participate as a guest speaker during the UTT Summer Program. During the 6 weeks of the Summer Program, the students, coming from different disciplines, engaged in a series of lectures and presentations on topics such as Sustainable Studies, Life Cycle Thinking, Circular Economy and Industrial Ecology.
Using a series of games on Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis created and adapted at the CREIDD research lab, Santiago proposed a series of reflective discussions with the visiting students. From environmental engineers to data analysts, the students from the University of Michigan, US, and the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, actively participated of the two 4-hours lectures proposed by the Cresting ESR. The first lecture was on Circular Economy, its limits and opportunities, while the second one was dedicated to Industrial Ecology and its territorial challenges.
Santiago was invited to participate by the Dr Junbeum KIM, Associate Professor at the CREIDD research lab from the UTT, and editor of the international journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Both members of the CREIDD research team are committed to empower students to contribute ideas towards solutions to solve society’s more pressing environmental problems by applying the principles of sustainability in areas like Industrial Ecology, Life Cycle Thinking and Circular Economy.